Godis + snacks
Implementation Report
Development of Immersive Internet CAD courses
1. Implementation
During the first contact phase in UNILEAD, the project went through a first stage of development of a first training module. Since that time, there were various activities towards implementation.
The objective of the project is to produce contents that make use of immersive internet models in order to have an improved learning outcome for the participants, compared with traditional training courses.
The course was launched for a pilot group of 20 students, enrolled in the “Mechanical Design” course, taught in the Mechanical, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering BSc programs.
The module extends through a 2 hr session and includes an introduction to Solid Edge and basic usage of shaping functions. Students go through a guided tutorial with the help of an instructor, then through a practical exercise.
At the final part of the session students upload into the LMS their result, and can share with the rest of their fellow students and instructors each other opinions and outcomes.
A survey was then conducted at the end of the session, to gather the feedback of professors and students, which was very positive.
The course was also presented to representatives of Siemens PLM, during a visit to UNAM, and recognized as an outstanding application of technology for learning.
2. Methods and Concepts used
For this project there was an extensive use of project planning and control tools. Specifically, for the production of content there was a need to split the activities into work packages, and assembly them later on a final released version.
Advanced methods for software development were implemented as well for the programming of special scripted tools to visualize formatted data.
Some of the most successful aspects were the engagement of higher leadership. The project was highlighted as one of the best projects from the 4 year term of the Dean, and presented to the president of the University as a key development that could have the potential to change the way in which we teach.
However, also in the part of cultural shift and adopting of technologies, there was resistance from part of the Faculty, and more evidence of the learning outcomes is required for a broader adoption.
4. Adapting Methods
It was needed in various aspects to adapt methods for the project. For those parts more related to R&D aspects, there was difficulty to establish beforehand a duration and amount of effort in the planning process. There were uncertain aspects inherent to technology development that needed an estimation, but also a lot of flexibilty, ingenuity and capacity to change.
The most important aspect to be able to cope with the challenges of the project was enabling and empowering people to make decisions on the fly. Specially for those parts where general goals are defined, but there is no prescription of the actual way to accomplish these goals.